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One Plant

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One Plant is a California-based weed dispensary and delivery service. They are spread throughout the state, with shops in Antioch, Atwater, Castroville, El Sobrante, Goleta, Lompoc, Palm Springs, Salinas, and Santa Cruz. Most locations offer walk-in, pickup, or express delivery services. With delivery offered in over counties, they guarantee drop-off within an hour of placing your order, making this the perfect stop for stoners on the go. They carry a wide range of cannabis products, including flower, pre-rolls, vaporizers, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, topicals, and accessories. They are a recreational-only dispensary offering adult-use goods for natives and locals in California. They do not offer their own product line, but they have plenty of premium brands that are popular nationwide for plenty of options no matter what kind of high you’re looking for. They also offer a membership service, wherein customers can earn points after each purchase — one point is equivalent to one dollar spent. From there, regulars can redeem their points in-store for rewards like free pre-rolls, merch, and more.