Montana marijuana campaigns spend big to reach ballot

Montana marijuana campaigns spend big to reach ballot

Published on 6/5/16

In Montana, stakes are high and time is running out as three different marijuana initiatives are all working tirelessly to gain atleast 24,175 signatures and make this November's ballot. 2 of the initiatives are campaigning in support of expanding the current medical marijuana system, while the 3rd initiative would repeal the state's current medical marijuana program. The group trying to abolish the current medical marijuana program, Safe Montana, claims they already have enough signatures to make the November ballot, making it even more important that the other initiatives make the ballot as well. I-182 is an initiative formed to combat Montana's Supreme Court decision to heavily restrict the state's medical marijuana program, limiting 3 patients per cannabis provider and requiring state review of any doctor recommending more than 25 people. Montana Citizens for I-182 are confident they will gather enough signatures by the deadline, June 17th, to ensure I-182 makes the November ballot and gives citizens the chance to expand the medical marijuana program to a sensible policy.

To get on the November ballot, the campaigns must gather 24,175 signatures by June 17.

Two pro-marijuana initiatives are seeking space on the ballot. A relative newcomer is Montana Citizens for I-182. The group began work on the heels of a February decision by the Montana Supreme Court that upheld rollbacks to the state medical marijuana program.

Initiative 182 would remove two main restrictions on the medical marijuana program that were passed by the Montana Legislature in 2011— a limit of three patients per provider and a state review of doctors who recommend more than 25 people for the drug.

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