Safe Harbor gives mother access to medical marijuana for sick child until Pa.'s program gets up and running

Safe Harbor gives mother access to medical marijuana for sick child until Pa.'s program gets up and running

Published on 8/24/17

Pennsylvania's medical marijuan program is set to begin in May 2018, but some patients are in need of relief now and will truly suffer without the medication. Luckily the state's medical marijuana law, Act 16, includes a Safe Harbor provision for parents to purchase cannabis medication in a neighboring state and possess it in Pennsylvania in order to treat their child. A parent in need can apply and receive a "Safe Harbor" letter from the state Department of Health, which protects them from being arrested and charged before the state's program is ready. Without the Safe Harbor letter a parent can be charged with a drug offense, which can prevent them from legally being a caregiver and purchasing the product legally once dispensaries open in Pennsylvania. Once the program has begun, Pennsylvania patients will have much more access to variety and find out the medicine that works best for them and their illness. As of this Thursday, 294 Safe Harbor letter were given out, if you're in need of a Safe Harbor letter, protect yourself and your family by applying today.

That letter permits them to obtain medical marijuana outside the state and legally possess it in Pennsylvania to administer to their child under the age of 18 who has one of 17 certified medical conditions, such as cancer, epilepsy, PTSD, assorted neurological and gastrointestinal disorders, chronic pain, sickle cell disease and autism.

"If I didn't have Safe Harbor and was treating Annie with oil and was arrested in some county that doesn't recognize that the law was passed, I would have a drug charge on my record," Sharrar said.

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