Pa. Medical Society 'updates' position on medicinal marijuana

Pa. Medical Society 'updates' position on medicinal marijuana

Published on 10/24/15

Government funding for marijuana research has proven to be nearly impossible, but the Penssylvania Medical Society has just voted overwhelmingly to ask the state to fund upcoming medical marijuana research. The Medical Society is interested in the increasingly expanding uses for marijuana, but believes that doctors should be able to provide proof and peer reviewed research that a prescription works. With the lack of government supported studies, marijuana deserves it's time in the lab for the betterment of ill Americans.

"Physicians are held to a standard for all medical conditions to prescribe treatments, medications, or therapies where peer-reviewed studies clearly demonstrate safety and efficacy, whether it’s treatment for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or conditions commonly associated with using cannabis to make sure we don’t inadvertently cause harm to our patients," he said. "If the legislature truly wants to show compassion for those suffering, they should fund and expand trials, and work with federal leaders to get more research moving.

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