Ex-Bear Jim McMahon: Medical marijuana got me off narcotic pain pills

Ex-Bear Jim McMahon: Medical marijuana got me off narcotic pain pills

Published on 1/27/16

The NFL is no stranger to marijuana after years of drug testing players for the plant. On the otherhand the NFL has no issue allowing players to use addictive and potentially harmfull pain-killers to ease the often life-long injuries sustained during a football career. Former Superbowl champion and ex-Bear, Jim McMahon is one of many who chose marijuana to help get off of the prescription narcotics that hang over him since his 15 year career. For the pain in his shoulders, neck, and arms, McMahon was taking 100 percocet pills a month. He hopes his coming out advocating medical marijuana for pain relief will help current debates like in Illinois where they are talking about adding symptoms like pain to the qualifying list of MMJ.

"They were doing more harm than good," he said. "This medical marijuana has been a godsend. It relieves me of the pain — or thinking about it, anyway."

On a typical day, McMahon will smoke marijuana in the morning to help him get up, a little in the afternoon depending on how he feels, and before bed, saying he couldn't sleep without it.

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