New York to require extra training to prescribe medical marijuana

New York to require extra training to prescribe medical marijuana

Published on 10/29/15

The state of New York has recently implemented new regulations for physicians prescribing medical marijuana to patients. The state is now requiring that doctors take additional courses, which are not covered in medical school, to become eligible to treat medical marijuana patients. The course is 4 ½ hours long and will cost each potential doctor $250.00. While this may give physicians more information about the product they are prescribing, it may also deter some potential doctors from participating which in the long run, limits patient access.

"Doctors recommend medications all the time for which they are not required to undergo special training," said Julie Netherland, deputy state director for the Drug Policy Alliance, a group that supports medical marijuana. "Obviously it is good for doctors to be educated about medical cannabis, but the concern is whether this will serve as a deterrent. How many doctors will choose to go through this training?" 

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