Poll: Denver marijuana initiatives

Poll: Denver marijuana initiatives

Published on 7/8/16

This November could be a turning point in the marijuana industry as multiple states will be voting to legalize recreational or medical marijuana. But what about the places like Colorado that have already legalized? This year, Denver has two marijuana initiatives that could drastically change the new cannabis culture around the city. One initiative is backed by Denver NORML and would allow private cannabis clubs for adults, while the other initiative would allow almost any business, like bars, to offer 'consumption areas' for the public and is backed by the Marijuana Policy Project. Or do you prefer Denver just the way it is right now? Take the poll to voice your support!

The pot-club initiative is backed by the Denver chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). The other group includes the Marijuana Policy Project, law firm Vicente Sederberg and business owners.

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