Vermont awards 5th medical marijuana dispensary license

Vermont awards 5th medical marijuana dispensary license

Published on 9/26/17

After a tough competitive process, Vermont officials finally awarded the state's 5th medical marijuana license to PhytoScience Institute. The dispensary won over 4 other applicants and were judged on business plan, health needs, registered patients and more. As of Aug. 24 the state has only 4,609 registered patients, but 6th dispensary license will be available once over 7,000 patients have registered. 

The Times Argus reports the Waterbury-based PhytoScience Institute will start dispensing medical marijuana within six months after it gets full approval.

PhytoScience Institute was one of five applicants for the license. Each applicant received scores on their business plans, health needs or registered patients and other factors.

The Department of Public Safety says the institute had the highest score

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