Medical marijuana bill could get its first vote Tuesday in Kentucky
Published on 3/4/18
In Kentucky this week a man with glaucoma and debilitating pain from a car accident over 20 years ago states his case for why the state should legalize medical marijuana. His wife and lawmakers who sponsor the bill were by his side and have been pushing for such legislation for several years now. House Bill 166 would set a legal framework for the state's medical marijuana program similar to most other states' programs including doctor prescribed medical cannabis obtained through state regulated dispensaries. Cities would be able to opt out of the program if they choose. The bill would not allow smoking cannabis in public but it does allow up to 9 ways to consume. The House is still waiting to hear from those opposed to the bill but the support seems strong as many other cities in the state have already shown support for similar bills.
Sims said he supports the bill because research and studies show that medical marijuana is effective in certain situations.
It basically would require a doctor to recommend medical marijuana before a patient could get it. It would be dispensed through a state-regulated dispensary. A city or a county would have a local-option vote to allow the medical marijuana.
He also claimed the bill will create jobs and help curb the state’s opioid crisis.