North Dakota bills would improve medical marijuana access

North Dakota bills would improve medical marijuana access

Published on 2/6/19

North Dakota legalized medical marijuana over 2 years ago and state regulators are nearly ready to launch the program, but advocates are already hoping to begin expanding the program due to it's heavily limited nature. Several bills have been proposed to help patients get access to their medication including one that would allow physician assistants to certify patients for medical marijuana  and another that loosening language in the law that forces doctors to specify evidence of benefit for patients rather than certify due to state approved qualifying conditions. Other bills proposed would allow edible cannabis products to be sold to patients and also increase the number of qualifying conditions in North Dakota. 

"At this point, we'll take anything that makes it easier for providers to certify any patient that they feel would benefit," said Anita Morgan, spokeswoman for North Dakota Compassionate Care, which pushed for legalization of medical marijuana.

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