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RISE Dispensaries

A cannabis producer and brand dedicated to their mission of providing top-notch cannabis to everyone, regardless of their lifestyle or level of wellness, RISE dispensaries have come a long way since their humble beginnings. 

Today, RISE dispensaries and their partners maintain medical and recreational dispensary locations throughout Nevada, California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Rhode Island, using cutting-edge, data-driven science and horticultural methods facilitate by master growers to produce the best possible cannabis products. 

With brands like Rythm and Dogwalker under their belt, this Green Thumb Industries line of dispensaries carries the best products for each state. Whether it’s medical patients seeking relief from their symptoms and qualifying conditions or recreational users looking to cut loose and relax, a RISE dispensary is there for online, delivery, and curb-side orders!