Companion Planting: What Plants Should I Grow Next to Cannabis?
Published on 9/16/21
With the warmest months of the year upon us and massive portions of the world that were previously on lockdown set to enjoy some fun in the sun this summer, many will likely be eager to try to forget the past year and a half as quickly as possible. If these past few months have taught us anything, however, it's that sometimes it might be worth trying to make something yourself in your own home.
Whether it's converting that spare bedroom in your house or an empty corner of your apartment into a makeshift home gym, creating a sourdough starter of your own to try to make some tasty bread, or just planting a few herbs in a little planter by the window, we've all likely tried some sort of DIY COVID lockdown activity. For those in recreational states that allow folks to home-grow their own cannabis, that likely means they've tried their hand at growing some weed of their own! If you're looking for a way to take those cannabis plants to the next level, you should consider planting some companion plants for cannabis!
This article is going to break down exactly what a companion plant is, how it can help your cannabis plants grow happier and healthier, and which plants are best to get the best out of your hard-earned harvest. Consider this your definitive companion planting guide courtesy of your friends here at Where's Weed!
What is Companion Planting?

For those who aren't aware of what companion planting is, here's a simple breakdown. For as long as human beings have been growing crops, farmers have taken notice that some plants grow better when paired together. So naturally, they kept doing just that. Today, that practice is called companion planting.
A prime example is the so-called Three Sisters trio of maize, climbing beans, and winter squash, famously planted by Native Americans for generations. The tall corn stalks give the climbing beans support, the low-growing squash protects the soil from moisture loss and its big, prickly leaves discourage weeds and pests, and the fast-growing beans are 'nitrogen fixers' which make nitrogen available to other plants.
To put it as simply as possible, adding some cannabis companion plants will go a long way to increasing the quality of your plants!
Not only is this lovely plant a great defender against pests and whiteflies, but you'll be able to produce a wonderful, calming tea from it! This natural pest deterrent will keep bugs off of your young cannabis plants, especially in the early stages of growth when your plants are often the most vulnerable but will provide a much-needed nutritional boost as well! When it comes to companion planting, it's hard to beat chamomile.
This next entry on our list is a well-known and familiar plant that's as easy to grow as it is to enjoy the refreshing scent of, peppermint! The pungent aroma is a natural, chemical-free pest control measure that will keep ants, fleas and even mice away from your cannabis plants, along with doing a good job of masking the scent of the weed itself.
As a bonus, peppermint is so easy to grow. The plant is so prolific that you'll need to isolate it in separate planters to keep it from growing out of control. There are few finer companion plants for cannabis than peppermint.
The next entry on our list is the classic cover crop, a plant that will protect your soil from harsh UV rays and prevent that nutrient-rich topsoil from drying out like an old dish sponge. Cerastium, likely known better by its much more fun nickname of dusty miller, grows in a mat-like formation over the ground you're growing from.
After all, the fertilizer and nutrients you're going to have to add into your cannabis garden to get the best results aren't cheap. Why not invest in a quality companion plant that will protect that investment a bit?

Another entry in this companion planting guide, another familiar and delicious herb! Farmers have long used basil as a companion plant for veggies like tomatoes, so why not put it to use for your cannabis crops?
Not only is basil an easy-to-grow herb that can be added to dishes as needed, but it's also a great pest repellant and flavor enhancer for cannabis as well. Basil will drive pests like asparagus beetles, mosquitos and whiteflies away from your cannabis plants all while boosting the terpene profile of your cannabis! Perfect to place right alongside your cannabis plants, basil is a great option for companion planting.
Another fragrant and familiar entry on this list is lavender. This lovely purple plant is great for cannabis and hemp companion planting thanks to its ability to not only repel harmful pest insects but also attract some beneficial bugs!
Planting lavender alongside your cannabis crop will not only keep away pests like fleas, ticks and mice, but it will attract nectar-feeding pollinating bugs, which are great for cannabis cultivation!
So not only will lavender scare off things that will harm your cannabis plants, it attracts things that will help and, of course, is always an option to add into your joint for some added fragrant relaxation!
For the final entry in our companion planting guide, we recommend you plant some dill between and beside your cannabis plants! Not only is this member of the celery family wonderful to look at, delicious to add to dinner dishes, and pretty easy to grow, but it's a natural pest repellent from some of the worst insects that want to dine on your cannabis plants.
Dill keeps caterpillars and spider mites off of your cannabis plants, serving as a noble sacrificial lamb instead since these types of insects can't get enough of dill.
Do you grow your own cannabis? Have you tried companion planting? Share with us in the comments below!