Is It Legal to Grow Medical Marijuana?
Published on 4/7/22
Are you wondering whether it's legal to grow marijuana for medical consumption? The answer to this question is, as it is with so many other questions regarding medical marijuana, "It depends on the state." You can legally grow medical marijuana in some states, but not in others.
Where in the US is it Legal to Grow Medical Marijuana?
Alaska - A maximum of 12 plants in a household with two or more adults aged 21+, or 6 plants for a single adult.
Arizona - A maximum of 12 plants.
Arkansas - Up to 6 plants per person per household, with a maximum of 3 mature plants.
California - Up to 6 plants, unless the patient has a license permitting more.
Colorado - Up to 6 plants, with a maximum of 3 mature plants.
Hawaii - Up to 7 mature cannabis plants, with each plant being tagged. Cannabis must be grown on a patient's or caregiver's own property. The location must be identified on the 329 Card.
Illinois - 5 plants in home for medical use only.
Maine - Up to three mature plants, 12 immature plants and unlimited number of seedlings.
Massachusetts - 1 ounce of marijuana outside the home, 10 ounce inside the home, up to six plants.
Michigan - 2.5 oz of marijuana outside the home, allows 10 oz and up to 12 plants per household.
Missouri - Patients may grow up to 6 cannabis plants on their own property in a locked, enclosed facility. Patients must have a valid Patient Cultivation Card.
Montana - Patients must choose whether to grow their own or use a dispensary. Patients can cultivate up to 4 mature cannabis plants and 4 seedlings.
Nevada - Patients may grow up to 12 mature plants. Limits on home cultivation if patients reside within 25-miles of an operating dispensary. However, patients who are cultivating specific strains of cannabis not provided by a local dispensary may continue to engage in the home cultivation of such strains.
New Mexico - Patients may grow up to four mature and 12 immature cannabis plants.
Oklahoma - Up to 6 plants per cardholder. There are no current restrictions on how many plants can be grown in a house but the plants must be out-of-sight.
Oregon - Up to 4 plants per household.
Rhode Island - Up to 12 plants per person with a valid medical marijuana card.
Vermont - Up to 2 mature plants and 4 immature cannabis plants.
Washington - Up to 4 cannabis plants. A patient may be able to get authorization to grow more than this by a licensed healthcare practitioner.
Washington, D.C. - Up to 6 plants, of which no more than 3 can be mature at any one time.
Guam - Up to 6 plants, with a maximum of 3 mature plants.
Northern Mariana Islands - Up to 12 mature and 24 immature plants for medical marijuana patients. Otherwise, it's 6 mature and 12 immature plants.
Are There Any Rules I Have to Follow in These States?
There are some variations in rules from state-to-state,other than growing and possession limits. In some states, you must tell the medical marijuana program that you intend to grow, and tag your plants appropriately. In other states, you must have authorization/permission to grow from either the healthcare worker evaluating you and/or the state medical marijuana program.
However, there is one general rule when it comes to growing, regardless of state: you ought to keep your plants in an enclosed space on private property, away from public view and any nearby schools or daycare centers. Basically, keep your grow room or space discreet.
In the meantime, you can learn more about growing cannabis here.