Kennedy: Are We Ready For Big Tobacco-Style Marketing For Marijuana?

Kennedy: Are We Ready For Big Tobacco-Style Marketing For Marijuana?

Published on 10/31/14

Kennedy: Are We Ready For Big Tobacco-Style Marketing For Marijuana?

Do you remember Big Tobacco? Well now say hello to Big Marijuana. That’s what we are about to get as we continue to legalize marijuana here in the United States.

Curious how this might work? Look no further than Big Tobacco. In 1999, the year after a massive legal settlement that restricted certain forms of advertising, the major cigarette companies spent a record $8.4 billion on marketing. In 2011, that number reached $8.8 billion, according to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. To put it into context, the auto industry spent less than half of that on advertising in 2011, and car ads are everywhere.

At the same time, despite advertising bans, these notoriously sneaky tobacco companies continue to find creative ways to target kids. Data from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that the most heavily marketed brands of cigarettes were also the most popular among people under 18.

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