San Diego legalizes supply chain for marijuana operations
Published on 10/3/17
Last week San Diego City Council finalized legislation legalizing marijuana supply chains and testing facilities. The city is now one of the few in California allowing cannabis farms and manufacturing facilities. The last change made to the legislation was making the facilities include "odor absorbing ventilation and exhaust systems" so passersby dont notice the sometimes pungent aroma. California and San Diego have made great strides in legalizing marijuana since 2014 when medical marijuana sales began earlier this year when recreational sales were allowed.
"My focus now is on implementing the will of the voters in the absolute safest way possible, while minimizing impacts to our communities," said Kersey, noting that some pot farms and factories have been operating locally in quasi-legal fashion without being magnets for crime. “The ordinance before us is a logical and responsible addition so that we can regulate these facilities."