Milwaukee Unanimously Votes to Put Marijuana on November Ballot
Published on 5/9/18
Milwaukee residents might soon have their chance to say YES to legalizing recreational marijuana in Wisconsin after a county board unanimously approved a a proposal that would put the question on the November ballot. If enough voters say YES it would not immediately legalize cannabis but instead put it on the legislators to create a taxed and regulated market. While some are focused on righting wrongs, racial disparities, and not locking people up for simple possession, others are greatly excited about the idea of massive tax revenue for the state that many other states are already enjoying. Some have stressed the huge impact that cannabis laws have on other communities like the 25% drop in opioid overdoses that every legal cannabis state sees. It seems like Milwauakee voters have plenty to be excited about when it comes to legal cannabis and a whopping 59% of Wisconsinites have shown support for the change so far.
“It’s time for Wisconsin to join the many states across the country that have legalized marijuana and benefited from the revenue that comes with commercial sale and taxation of one of America’s largest cash crops,” he said.
Now that the proposed referendum has been approved by the committee, it will head to the full Milwaukee County Board. It will consider the measure at a May 24 meeting.