Operation Grow4Vets Giving Away Free Cannabis to Veterans for Memorial Day

Operation Grow4Vets Giving Away Free Cannabis to Veterans for Memorial Day

Published on 5/25/14

U.S. Military service men and women often get a rude awakening once they’ve completed their tours of duty and are discharged — the same people who are respected, revered, and supported while in active service find themselves largely on their own once they become veterans. About 12% of the adult homeless population are veterans, and 30% of Vietnam War veterans, 10% of Gulf War veterans, and 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans suffer from PTSD but don’t receive adequate care (in fact, U.S. veterans are dying because of delays in both diagnosis and treatment at VA hospitals). Sadly, it too often seems as if we only acknowledge these men and women who sacrificed their time, body, and health for our country two times a year, Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Operation Grow4Vets is giving back to veterans on Memorial Day in an unexpected but quite admirable way: they’ve commited to a free cannabis giveaway for veterans in Denver, Colorado. Cannabis as a form of PTSD treatment has gained popularity as more states look into the possibility of legalizing medical cannabis, so this event is as timely as ever.

On Monday, May 26, between 1:00 and 4:00 pm, veterans can show up at the Dark Star Lounge and receive a gift bag containing the following items:

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