First-ever Greenville medical marijuana rally this weekend

First-ever Greenville medical marijuana rally this weekend

Published on 5/1/15

Today in downtown Greenville, South Carolina, the city's first March on Marijuana Day was held in support of legalization. Many residents find relief in CBD oil, which was legalized to treat epilepsy as opposed to the state legalizing the plant as a whole. There is currently a bill in the state Senate that would legalize marijuana as a plant to be grown and manufactured, but certain anti-pot advocates are still worried about furthering addictions.

 “If CBD works for this, what other components, what other cannabinoids in the plant will treat other medical conditions and be able to and essentially save lives?” said McSherry.

“We have to start saying this is enough.  There is a cure.  There is a medicine.  Instead, I am having to take medicines that have horrific side effects and put all kinds of man-made chemicals into my blood,” said McSherry.

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