Illinois becomes the 20th state to join the medical marijuana movement
Published on 8/1/13
On Thursday, August 1st Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill into law declaring Illinois the 20th state to legalize medical marijuana. With the passing of this new law, individuals with serious or chronic conditions may be prescribed up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana over the course of two weeks.
While this is a great victory for patients with serious conditions, it has also been noted that Illinois has introduced the strictest rules and regulations amongst all the legal states. Among these, patients must have an existing relationship with the prescribing doctor, validating their chronic condition.
Additionally, patients would be limited to purchasing the cannabis from one of the 60 dispensaries in the state and would be forbidden from growing their own.
While the bill will take effect on January 1st, it will likely take months for legislators to establish a firm set of regulations.