Oregon proposes higher medical marijuana fees

Oregon proposes higher medical marijuana fees

Published on 12/14/15

Oregon's medical marijuana market is planned to undergo many changes after the introduction of the state's newer recreational marijuana program. The state claims it needs more profit from it's growers and dispensaries. This proposal would tack on the bill of $200 per patient annually for growers, as well as a $4,000 annual fee for thos producing medical marijuana concentrates. As many current medical dispensaries plan to move into the recreational game, the state wants to squeeze as much out of the medical system while it lasts. 

Cedar Grey, a longtime medical marijuana grower in Williams, said worries the health authority plans to spike fees to discourage participation in the medical program. He said patients will bear the cost of any fee increase and many can't afford to pay more.

"It looks like they are treating the program as a cash cow and trying to extract as much money from patients as they can," Grey said

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