Marijuana Worship: First Church Of Cannabis In Indiana Wants To Turn Pot Into Religious Freedom
Published on 7/1/15
This past Wednesday marked the day the new Religious Freedom Restoration Act went into effect in Indiana, it was also the day of the Church of Cannabis' first ever service. For months planning went into this first day of the new religion's service, and the plan was to light up some marijuana as a congregation celebrating life's great adventures.That plan changed when local law enforcement threatened to attend and arrest anyone with marijuana at the service. Despite threats, the service went on, but not with marijuana as planned. Instead the group sang songs, gave testimonies about legalization, and recited “a sort of stoners’ version of the Ten Commandments.”
Notably absent? Any marijuana. State officials announced last week that anyone in smoking the illegal drug at the service would face criminal charges. A heavy police presence accompanied the event. Levin said the church had decided to fight the battle in civil court instead of with criminal proceedings.
"I'm not a criminal," Levin said. "I'm a religious figure."