Warren pushes feds to ease restrictions on marijuana research
Published on 7/13/15
For years the government has been operating under a very "catch-22" drug policy, requiring the research of marijuana to prove its benefit to remove from Schedule 1, while also making it nearly impossible to research and controlling the results that do come out. The FDA has approved "isolated components of the marijuana plant" as medically beneficial while refusing to acknowledge the plants medicinal value on a federal level to remove it from Schedule 1. Sen. Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts is pushing to eiliminate more boundaries from true marijuana research. As more and more states legalize the drug and more people are using it, the American people deserve proper research into the very popular drug.
Pointing to the growing number of users nationwide, the senators said the government agencies “have both an opportunity and a responsibility” to ensure adequate research.
“It is important that we make a concerted effort to understand how this drug works and how it can best serve patients through appropriate methods of use and doses, like any other prescribed medicine,” they wrote in a letter to government officials