Medical pot plan alarms Colorado advocates

Medical pot plan alarms Colorado advocates

Published on 10/6/15

A proposed policy from the Colorado Medical Board, would change medical marijuana in the state and possibly eliminate the industry. New rules would make doctors perform a physical evaluation on patients wanting to recieve or renew their medical card, as well as determine a risk of drug abuse, a pain assessment, treatment history, and much more including pregnancy testng for all women of child bearing age. Some have claimed that the intention of the bill is not to hurt the medical market, but why would patients go through such extensive evaluation and questioning when they can simply pay the recreational tax for the same meds.

About 106,000 people in Colorado carry medical marijuana cards, and “if we can’t renew their cards, they’re going to grow their own, go to the underground market or go to the recreational stores,” Hogan said. “Some people are reading this saying, ‘Oh, it’s not a big deal.’ It is a big deal.”

The draft language recommends a patient evaluation that includes a physical examination; a risk assessment for drug abuse; a pain assessment covering the pattern, duration and past and current treatments; lab testing as necessary; possible urine screens and consultations with the patient’s other doctors — and 14 categories of documentation.

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