Medical marijuana store opens in June
Published on 5/15/16
A new dispensary, Leafline Labs, will be moving into 33rd Avenue and 2nd Street South, St. Cloud, Minnesota and plans to open by the first week of June. The store owners are eager to open and bring relief to local patients, however anyone in need of medication before the grand opening can purchase more (if approved) at Leafline's other locations in Cottage Grove and Eagen. With only 1,324 patients currently approved to use medical marijuana in Minnesota, Leafline hopes that more locations will not only allow more access, but also welcome new patients who may not be familiar with medical marijuana's benefits.
Bachman believes that opening additional stores could cause more people in outstate Minnesota to inquire about medical marijuana and apply to be added to the state registry of approved patients.
"Once a month people are driving four, four-and-a-half hours to get to us because ... other medications didn't work," he said.
He plans to engage the public in educational sessions in the St. Cloud area about his products and to dispel misinformation about medical marijuana.