Signature drive begins for medical marijuana in Oklahoma
Published on 5/13/16
Oklahomans for Health, a marijuana advocacy group, began their initiative to bring medical marijuana to the voter ballot in November. Starting this late into the year, the group has only 90 days from now to gather 66,000 valid signatures to ensure the initiative has a chance. If passed, the bill would allow patients under a doctor's care to access and use medical marijuana, as well as setup a program for medical marijuana dispensaries. With the initiative's late start this year, Oklahomans for Health have also sponsored a second initiative targeted for next year, in the event that not enough signatures are gathered this year.
The proposal would legalize medical marijuana for those under a doctor's care. It would also legalize commercial marijuana dispensaries. The group is also supporting a second proposal to allow groups one year instead of 90 days to collect the number of signatures needed to get a proposal on the ballot.
Oklahomans for Health has 90 days to collect the signatures of about 66,000 registered voters in order to get the question on the November ballot.