Judge says Texas teacher shouldn't be punished for marijuana use in Colorado

Judge says Texas teacher shouldn't be punished for marijuana use in Colorado

Published on 2/2/17

Recreational marijuana has been legal in Colorado for almost 5 years now, so why is it that responsible adults are still being harrassed about legally using the drug during personal time? Maryam Roland was a teacher at Parkland High School in El Paso, TX before she was pressured into resigning after her teaching license was threatened. Roland came home after Christmas break in Colorado and admitted to school district officials that she had tried marijuana while visiting the legal state. The Texas Education Agency had her case looked into and ultimately decided to suspend Roland's license for two years after a marijuana-positive drug test. Luckily a local judge stepped in recommending that her license not be suspended as she was never "unworthy to instruct", but the damage to Roland had been done and she has still not returned to teaching. 

Judge William G. Newchurch ruled that he did not find Roland "unworthy to instruct" after the ingestion. He recommended the TEA not suspend her teaching license, reports the Times. 
The Austin American-Statesman reports Newchurch wrote, "There is no evidence that (Roland's) behavior... suggested she was under the influence of marijuana" during school hours. 

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