Study contradicts negative stereotypes about marijuana consumers
Published on 6/15/17
A new study by BDS Analytics finds that in Colorado, consumers of marijuana are more likely to be employed full-time and more satisfied with life when compared to those who do not consume cannabis. The long time stereotype of marijuana users has led many to believe that this erupting marijuana industry is only enjoyed by lazy hippies, when the reality is much brighter. Compared to those who might consider using cannabis and to those who would not consider it at all, cannabis consumers are shown to be more social, more satisfied, and more likely to enjoy outdoor recreation. This positive light on marijuana consumers is helping to create more acceptance in those who might have blocked out cannabis and it's users from their life.
Full-time employment is enjoyed by 64 percent of Colorado consumers compared to 51 percent of acceptors and 54 percent of rejecters.
Nearly five in 10 Colorado consumers agree they are more satisfied with life today than they were a year ago, compared to about four in 10 among acceptors and rejecters.“In fact, positive lifestyle indicators like volunteering, socializing, satisfaction with life and enjoyment of exercise and the outdoors are highest among cannabis consumers, at least in Colorado and California.”