Federal: Bill Introduced To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Federal: Bill Introduced To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Published on 3/2/17

After establishing Jeff Sessions as the US Attorney General there has been worry of his historically negative view of marijuana and how he might effect the state legalized marijuana industry. Luckily, some concerned lawmakers have introduced legislation that would remove marijuana from the federal Controlled Substances Act, resolving any of the issues of state legal marijuana and the current federal prohibition on the drug. Not only are states plenty capable of handling their own marijuana policies, but current polls show that American voters overwhelmingly approve of medical marijuana at 71% and even recreational approval is at 59%. This bill is vital to keeping the current marijuana industry alive and protecting the many patients who rely on the medical marijuana industry to find relief. 

The intent of the “Ending Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017 is consistent with the view of most voters. According to recent polling by Quinnipiac University, 59 percent of Americans support full marijuana legalization and 71 percent believe that states, not the federal government, should set marijuana policy. 

With the recent confirmation of militant marijuana prohibitionist Jeff Sessions to the position of US Attorney General, and with comments from the Trump administration warning of a coming federal crackdown in adult use states, passage of this Act is necessary to ensure that medical marijuana patients and others are protected from undue federal interference. 

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