Farm Bill Clears House After Removal of Trump-Backed Work Rules
Published on 12/13/18
On it's way to the desk of President Trump is a highly important bill that marks a change in the way the nation looks at and deals with hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill has little-to-nothing to do with marijuana, however it does change the way that hemp is handled in every state, removing hemp from the federal list of controlled substances, allowing anyone in any state to grow the plant without a license, and opening many doors into the world of legal CBD products throughout the country. The farm bill covers a wide range of details including allowing hemp farmers to apply for crop insurage for the first time as well as letting current hemp farmers continue to their growing.
Under the farm bill, hemp would be removed from the federal list of controlled substances and hemp farmers will be able to apply for crop insurance. Unlike its biological cousin marijuana, hemp has industrial uses and doesn’t produce a “high” if ingested. Proponents say it has other therapeutic uses, such as easing pain and anxiety.