Arizonans Consumed Record 43 Tons of Cannabis in 2017: 50 Percent Higher Than '16
Published on 1/28/18
Arizona voters legalized medical marijuana in the state back in 2010, the first dispensaries opened in 2012 and after it's first full year the state's medical marijuana program helped 40,000 patients find relief. In the last few years since, Arizona's medical marijuana program has seen plenty of growth. Now helping over 153,000 patients, Arizona sold over 43 tons of cannabis in 2017, that's 86,000 pounds! The state's tax revenue purely from cannabis sales equals around $31-37 million, but that doesn't include the taxed income of industry employees and property taxes from cannabis businesses. Despite recent political threats from the conservative presidential cabinet the number of people using cannabis medicinally and recreationally continues to grow and the tax revenue will continue to help fund public schools, law enforcement, public health programs and much more.
After voters approved the program in 2010, the first dispensaries opened in late 2012. In 2013, the first full year with both patients (about 40,000) and a few state-legal dispensaries where they could buy cannabis, the small number of fledgling dispensaries sold 2.5 tons of marijuana products.
After five years and the rise of about 130 dispensaries statewide, the amount sold has risen by an amazing 1,620 percent.