Desperate to hire, more businesses dropping marijuana drug tests

Desperate to hire, more businesses dropping marijuana drug tests

Published on 5/1/18

Businesses are sending a clear message when they stop testing for marijuana on employee drug tests, they no longer see it as a problem. Its become increasingly more common, especially among recreational marijuana states, and while there is no exact list of companies dropping marijuana tests the number is definitely growing. Some places feel it's the best way to fill open positions with an willing workforce while still testing for harder drugs. Though more businesses are open to dropping cannabis testing there are still many types of construction and industrial machinery jobs, and even government jobs, that will continue testing for cannabis. Maine has taken it one step further by outright banning companies from firing or refusing to hire due to marijuana use. Several other states have held lawsuits ending in favor of the employees when they were fired for testing positive for cannabis. Change is coming slowly but surely. 

And medical marijuana users in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island have won lawsuits in the past year against companies that rescinded job offers or fired workers because of positive tests for cannabis. Before last year, courts had always ruled in favor of employers.

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