Things to consider about medical marijuana
Published on 11/28/18
5 new medical marijuana disapensaries are opening around the state of Iowa this week as more and more patients register for the state's program as either patients or caregivers. Patients can now access medical cannabis products like oils, creams and capsules all for between $30-$130 for a months supply. As the state settles into it's newer medical marijuana program it opens a dialogue about the ethics of workplaces testing for cannnabis when so many need it for medical purposes. Some say because the law allows it, employers should retain their rights for termination, however others are saying many of the available medical marijuana products wont even register enough THC in the bloodstream to matter. Schools in Iowa don't want medical cannabis to be administered on school grounds due to the federally illegal status, a decision which has been overturned in many states.
The Society for Human Resource Management recommends that businesses not test for marijuana anymore because of the increasing legality of its use in many states and a larger number of users.