Colorado Marijuana Sales Continue Breaking Records in August
Published on 10/10/18
Colorado has had one of the most famous legal cannabis industries in the U.S. as they were among the first to legalize recreational use alongside Washington back in 2012. Since then several other states have legalized recreational cannabis while over half of the country has legalized medical cannabis. Though legal cannabis has become popular in many parts of the country sales have continued to grow and set records in Colorado month-to-month. This summer set several records in Colorado with June hitting $129 million in total sales, July at $138 million and then finally August breaking the record once more at $141.3 million in both recreational and medical cannabis sales. As the temperatures begin to decrease though sales tend to follow so it's expected from September through the winter that sales will not beat August's new record.
As with June and July, August's numbers were pushed by increasing recreational sales, which hit just under $113 million: the highest retail pot sales in Colorado history. Medical sales also increased, though, rising just under $1 million month-over-month to $28.3 million. That's two straight months of increasing medical marijuana sales, right after MMJ hit its lowest number since 2014 in May.