Prospects dim for NM marijuana legalization bill
Published on 3/12/19
After being approved by the New Mexico House and passing through it's first Senate Committee, a recreational marijuana bill looks to have hit it's stopping point in the Senate Finance Committee where it will not have enough votes to move forward this week. If the bill had become law it would've allowed for recreational marijuana to be sold to adults by state run dispensaries, but now it looks like the bill will have to be reintroduced in a later session. Despite hitting a wall this bill represents great progress and future potential as it not only had bipartisan support the whole way but it was the first time a recreational marijuana bill had passed through a legislative chamber in New Mexico, something that would be inconceivable anywhere in the U.S. years ago.
Last week, the House narrowly approved the recreational marijuana bill, House Bill 356, which would allow for legal sale of cannabis at state-run stores. The legislation won approval after being retooled following bipartisan, bicameral talks involving House Democrats and Senate Republicans.