Texas Young Republicans support decriminalizing marijuana

Texas Young Republicans support decriminalizing marijuana

Published on 4/8/15

Two current proposals would lessen offenses for marijuana possession in Texas, and are supported by the group, Texas Young Republicans. A majority of the group primarily supports the bill which would make marijuana legal as a whole, though did not take an official stance because the Texas Replican Party's Platform does not agree with it. 

“The younger Republican demographic wants to see these laws changed to varying degrees,” Bodine said. “We’re different than the older generation.”

The committee chairman estimated that 60 people had signed up to testify on the bills Wednesday night. Much of the committee room was in tears as the parents of child with a rare seizure disorder testified in support of Simpson’s bill.

The family is considering leaving Texas to get their son the cannabis oil they believe will provide relief from his seizures.

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