
Where's Weed user
Capital Buds DC
12/19/2019 - 11:45AM EST
Star 4.6

I tried switching to different places for a while to save money, but the service and quality are worth it with CB. I aprreciate the delivery communication & the options. My only issue has been the disposable vapes dying in a few weeks while the carts still have medicine in them. Minor bummer.

Where's Weed user
Capital Buds DC
8/13/2018 - 4:47PM EDT
Star 5.0

Switched to Capital Buds for the wider selection of treats. Excellent deliver window, delivered downtown to my office on a busy weekday. I'm a convert!

Where's Weed user
5/25/2018 - 11:32AM EDT
Star 4.8

I am converted. Amazing scheduling system, I ordered and then texted to confirm my donation. They were pleasant & able to schedule for the following day and delivered right to my office downtown. Based on the sealed packaging and quality of the labels, these candies are legit and I am so thankful to have found a safer way to shop instead of "pop-ups". Thank you. Worth the slightly higher prices for the safety and quality.