
Where's Weed user
Best Buds DC
12/12/2020 - 12:39PM EST
Star 5.0

There's a lot of dispensaries -- I've tried them all.But they can't compete with BestBuds. I don't bother going anyplace else. For me, it's simply about quality and price.

Where's Weed user
Best Buds DC
11/28/2020 - 10:54AM EST
Star 4.6

I have tried a lot of dispensaries and most have low quality product and drivers don't care. However; Best Buds has very good quality product and the drivers are very professional. I do not use any other dispensary any more!

Where's Weed user
Paq Shaq DC
4/13/2020 - 6:42PM EDT
Star 5.0

Awesome service; I order from G and the guys at Paq Shaq DC because they consistently have competitive prices and high quality service.