
Where's Weed user
419 Collective
11/21/2012 - 2:14AM EST
Star 2.2

Bud tenders are typical stoners lacking any technical knowledge of the product. When asked any question they simply answer "well I like this one". One day I had forgot my papers, I was told "we are open for another 20 minutes you can come back. So I did so arriving with 5 minutes to spare only to have the same idiot tell me "sorry man we have packed everything away" So I Can only assume that these folks do not give a rats ass about there customers, getting of work a little early is more important to them. If you cannot leave at the time YOU specify at least don't lie to your customers and also turn off your lights then lock the door, it's basic courtesy! now do you really think I will keep shopping at your dispensary with so much near by competition?