Stoner Dreams: Do You Dream While High?
Published on 10/15/22
Most stoners can attest that dreams tend to be few and far between when smoking before bedtime. But why is this?
You might feel most creative when you smoke, so why wouldn't your dreams reflect the same? Perhaps the dreams just aren't vivid enough for you to remember.
Can you lucid dream while high? Or do you simply not dream at all? Many questions surround this topic.
Let's debunk the myth, debate the facts, and shed some light on dreaming while high. The next time a fellow stoner brings up this conversation, you'll have answers!
Marijuana Dreams
"Marijuana Dreams" is a familiar term in the stoner community. It simply means those who often smoke marijuana before bedtime either don't dream or don't remember their dreams. If this is such a common occurrence that there's a nickname for it, is there truth to it?
Many people smoke marijuana to help with insomnia so they can wake up well-rested and rejuvenated. You'd think a restful night's sleep would result in some pretty sweet dreams, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
If you're a lucid dreamer, you might be asking yourself, why do I dream less when I smoke weed?
Why You Don't Dream After Smoking Weed
To understand dreams and how they work, we first must understand how they correlate with our sleep cycles. There are two phases, REM sleep, and non-REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and is the phase of sleep where dreams occur.
Within non-REM sleep, there are three different levels that shift you into REM:
- N1 sleep is the dozing-off phase as you transition from awake to asleep.
- N2 sleep occurs when you transition from one stage of sleep to another throughout the sleep period, meaning you will enter this phase various times a night.
- N3, also called slow-wave sleep (SWS), is known to be the most physically and mentally restorative stage of sleep.
Once in REM, this is where the bulk of dreaming occurs.
Cannabis tends to be a buzzkill for the REM cycle. Why? It combats insomnia, and the goal is to fall asleep and stay asleep. This means you spend less time falling asleep (in N1), and it helps you spend more time in a restorative state (N3).
Why does smoking before bed help us feel rested? More deep sleep.
Why is that smoking weed causes you to dream less? Less dream sleep.
What if I Have Vivid Dreams After Smoking Weed?

It's quite possible you can dream while smoking cannabis, and that may even be a reason why you enjoy consuming. Can weed cause lucid dreams? Absolutely!
Although there are many stoners who don't dream, there are studies that show others who do. Everyone is different.
In a UK study using a sample of cannabis users versus non-users, participants slept at home in their usual surroundings. They went about their typical routines prior to going to bed and were intentionally woken up every two hours each night and once in the morning to start their day.
The average findings, including the cannabis users, consisted of bizarre, emotional dreams. Interestingly, those that weren't known to use cannabis experienced similar instances.
This study and others show there's a correlation between not only the level of THC ingested and how it can affect a dream state but also how using THC consistently (or inconsistently) may allow you to smoke weed and still dream.
How Can I Smoke Weed and Still Dream?
The consistency or inconsistency of how you consume THC will play a role in if you can still dream.
There's something known as REM rebound that occurs when you've been deprived of REM (deep) sleep. You might experience this by staying out late, drinking too much, or skipping your REM cycle. If you'd like to catch your dreams, your next night without smoking just might be dreamy.
Weed and Dreams
In a not-so-satisfying conclusion, marijuana causing you to dream less is both a fact and a myth. It depends on the person, how often you consume, and other lifestyle factors.
Bonus: 3 Strains for Sleep
Are you looking for the best strains to fight insomnia and give you a good night's sleep? There are a few key things to remember, including the type of strain, the terpenes, and what cannabinoids are present aside from THC.
Here are three marijuana strains we recommend for sleep.
1. Harlequin

The high CBD profile of Harlequin provides clear-headed effects and ultimate relaxation. This strain will fight anxiety and paranoia before bedtime, making sure you can drift off peacefully.
2. Northern Lights
Northern Lights is an indica that's popular in the medicinal community. This strain is said to create a euphoric buzz before spreading throughout your body to relax the mind. High in myrcene, calming effects will be coming your way.
3. God's Gift

God's Gift is one of the best strains to free you from restless nights. Crossed from all-star parents, Granddaddy Purple and OG Kush, you're sure to receive the gifts of a dream-like and blissful state within minutes. Like all strains that are good for sleep, this one is packed with myrcene for calming sensations.