Festive Smoking Pieces: How to Make a Pumpkin Bong

Festive Smoking Pieces: How to Make a Pumpkin Bong

Published on 10/10/22

As the dog days of summer wind down, it's fair to say that while the summer is lovely, lots of people are more than happy to leave the hot weather, sandy beaches, and sweet summertime beverages behind in favor of hoodie weather, flannel shirts, and pumpkin spice.

For stoners, however, a trip to the pumpkin patch can be more than just a fun time with your spouse and picking out the perfect gourd for turning into a spooky Jack-o-Lantern. For the more ambitious and open-minded cannabis lover, pick the right firm, round, and bright orange pumpkin into a good old pumpkin bong!

If you've never had the joy of smoking out of a hollowed-out apple or a cobbled-together Gatorade bottle bong (shout-out to the old-school cannabis OGs out there who know what's up), it's something you should give a try this year. And thankfully, we here at Where's Weed are here just in time for Fall to provide a comprehensive pumpkin bong tutorial to cover anything and everything you'll need to know to make a fall-inspired gourd bong of your own!

So with all of that in mind, let's get right into the details of how to craft a homemade pumpkin bong of your own in the lead-up to this year's spooky season.

The Basics of Organic Bongs

If you've been stuck with some cannabis and no bong, pipe, or rolling papers to enjoy it, then you might have carved out an apple, found a stem, and used your makeshift fruit-based bong to get the job done.

While they aren't ideal and won't last more than a session or two, a makeshift bong is an excellent option if you're in a pinch, whether it's a bottle bong held together by some tape or a hollowed-out selection from the fruits and vegetable section at your local grocery store!

If you've done that before, you already know the basic components you'll need. You'll need to take the time to carve out the insides, remove the seeds and core, cut off some holes in the carbs and the stem, and keep a lighter on hard to spark up your dried cannabis flower.

Not only is smoking out of a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable a great option if you're in a pinch and without a bong, pipe, or some rolling papers, but it's unique and exciting to do. After all, can you consider yourself a cannabis enthusiast or OG stoner if you've never had to get a little bit imaginative and creative ahead of sparking up for a session?

So with all that in mind, let's get down the step-by-step guide for how to produce a functional and fun pumpkin bong of your own this pumpkin spice season!

How to Make a Pumpkin Bong Step-By-Step

If you're sitting there and wondering exactly what's needed to turn your standard trip to the pumpkin patch into a bong pumpkin carving session, then look no further! We'll break down how to craft a functional pumpkin bong of your own in detail step-by-step, so keep reading to see how to spark up with some festive spirit this Fall!

Before you get into it, however, you'll need to gather some basic supplies. Here's what you should grab before starting the process of making a pumpkin bong of your own!

  • A medium-sized pumpkin
  • A drill and a tiny drill bit (if you don't have a drill, a screwdriver should be able to get the job done)
  • A sturdy glass bowl attached to a stem

Once you've gotten your supplies together, you're well on crafting a pumpkin bong of your very own!

Step 1: Pick Out Your Pumpkin

Before we get too deep into the process, you'll first need to pick out the right pumpkin in the first place! You'll want to opt for a medium-sized gourd, preferably one that's pretty even and round. While there's nothing wrong with picking a pumpkin that's not perfect, having one that's smoothed out and mostly even around will make the next step on this list far easier.

Also, check for any punctures or holes in the sides or bottom of the pumpkin. After all, if you're going to turn this thing into a functional bong, you'll need it to be primarily airtight!

Step 2: Carve Your Pumpkin

Now that you've picked out your gourd of choice, the next step is preparing it for its cannabis-specific destiny. To do that, you'll need to get the carving process started. And just like if you were carving it out for pretty much anything else, the first step is chopping open the top and cleaning out the inside.

You'll want to remove and set aside the flesh and seeds inside the main chamber of the pumpkin, saving them for later to make some delicious roasted pumpkin seeds or a pumpkin pie to enjoy when the munchies hit later on. The cleaner you can get the insides, the better your bong will be.

Once the insides are cleaned out, you'll focus on creating a carb hole and a spot for the stem to go into. To do that, you'll need to get your drill and attach the bit to the side. After that, you'll block off the carb hole.

Slowly and steadily, drill a hole through the outside flesh, breaking through to the inside. It should be no bigger than your fingertip so you can easily block off the carb during the smoking process.

Step 3: Insert Your Stem and Carve the Mouthpiece

Now that the carb is there, your next step is creating a hole for the glass stem to be inserted. Perhaps the most important part of the process is that you'll want to ensure that this hole is big enough for the stem to get through and stay airtight around that glass stem.

Our advice is to start the hole small, then slowly increase the size for the tightest, most airtight fit possible!

Once the stem is in, the final thing you'll need to do is create an opening to inhale the smoke. You'll want to work the same way with this starting hole as the one with the stem. The smaller and more airtight, the better the bong will work, and your smoke session will be better!

Make sure to think ergonomically regarding both the mouthpiece area and the stem. You'll need the bowl of the stem upwards so it can hole the burning cannabis when you light it, and the part where you suck in will need to be pointed up towards the ceiling so the smoke can't escape.

Think about s a 45-degree angle at max to ensure things stay upright and as airtight as possible!

Step 4: Take it for a Spin

Once you've done all the previous steps, you should have a functional bong! But there's no sense in bringing it to the session and showing it off to your buddies unless you can test it out to see if it works.

We suggest sparking up a few bowls, seeing if your pumpkin bong is working and airtight and that it's perfect for enjoying ahead of your next session!

Where's Weed