'Party on grass': Billboard pitches marijuana legalization to golf fans
Published on 1/31/16
Marijuana advocates across Arizona are revealing a billboard this week in hopes to spark the conversation about legal recreational marijuana in the state. The billboard comes just before the popular golf tournament, the Waste Management Phoenix Open, and features a man and woman lounging in the grass with the text "If beer and golf make for the greatest party on grass ... Why can't adults enjoy a safer party on grass?" Arizona advocates would like to start a recreational pot market similar to Colorado, who have seen very managable side effects, despite what marijuana-opponents are preaching.
The campaign, which is gathering signatures to try to put the issue before voters in November, wants to create a legalized pot system similar to Colorado's. Arizona's effort, if approved, would allow adults to possess, grow and buy the drug, which would be taxed, under a Department of Marijuana Licenses and Control.