Marijuana amendment worries sick child's family

Marijuana amendment worries sick child's family

Published on 8/13/15

Paige Frate is a 4 year old girl who suffers more than 100 seizures a day, with each one having potential to cause brain damage. Her rare form of epilepsy leaves her family wondering if she will have a tomorrow, while her only prescription medicines leave her with dangerous side effects. Her parents are hopeful that the new Ohio marijuana amendment will be passed, but they're concered that the specific type of marijuana they need (high CBD, low THC) Charlotte's Web, will not be available as it is not as profitable.

However, it has dozens of families with children that suffer from Dravet's flocking to Colorado. That's because the CBD oil shows promise in helping these children.

"The best case scenario is that it eliminates seizures, the worst case is that it reduces them, and to me that's a great scenario," said Kristina.

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