Marijuana dispensary opens in Brockton

Marijuana dispensary opens in Brockton

Published on 9/4/15

Massachusetts sees it's second medical marijuana dispensary open in Brockton this week. By mid-day after opening it's doors for the first time, the medical marijuana shop saw about 150 patients who waited over about an hour each. The state currently has over 20,000 patients certified by their doctor to buy medical marijuana, but only 12,000 of them have actually registered to use the dispensaries. The two medical marijuana dispensaries that have opened have been granted a waiver to sell marijuana before the regulated contaminate testing facilities are up and running properly. 

Noble, who held a press conference outside the facility, said he had been working two years to make the dispensary a reality. Asked whether he was frustrated by the prolonged regulatory process, he said he was prepared for it. “Because this was a new process, we had to be patient with the entire system,” he said.

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