Michigan approves medical marijuana testing labs
Published on 8/5/18
Michigan's medical marijuana program has been through delays and many changes but it is finally almost up and running now that the first two cannabis testing facilities have been awarded their licenses. All different parts of the state's cannabis industry were awarded licenses last month except for the testing facilities which has been stopping the industry from offially launching. Officials are saying that Michigan's medical marijuana patient population is the second largest in the country meaning it will take off quickly once it begins. There are currently 230 dispensaries that are operating under temporary regulations and any who are not awarded their official licenses by September 15 will be forced to shut down until they receive it.
People attending the meeting expressed frustration at the pace of awarding licenses, especially since a Sept. 15 deadline looms for about 230 dispensaries around the state that are operating under emergency rules. If they haven’t gotten their license from the state by Sept. 15, they have to shut down until they get one.
“What’s really lost are the patients and families affected by a shutdown,” said Rick Thompson, a board member of the Michigan chapter of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws).