What to Do if Your Weed Gets Wet
Published on 8/18/20
Updated Apr 13, 2022
We're all human. Mistakes happen. Anyone who smokes or uses cannabis frequently eventually loses their weed, accidentally throws it away, or a drink spill all over their stash. The "my weed got wet" moment isn't a fun one. If you're reading this now for that very reason, you're probably asking a few questions. Can you still smoke weed if it gets wet? What happens when weed gets wet? What is the best way to dry damp weed? Fortunately for you, we know a few methods for safely drying it out. These tricks won't work every time, but it's worth a shot, right?
After all, with legal weed coming off record years in sales and being as popular as it's ever been here in the U.S., there's likely a lot of cannabis flower out there prone to an unfortunate accident. That's why we here at Where's Weed have your back, breaking down in detail exactly what to do if your weed gets wet, the best ways to preserve and dry out your stash, and breaking down exactly what and what not to do when it comes to salvaging your cannabis flower. So with that in mind, let's get right into it!
The Problem With Wet Weed
You might be tempted just to ignore that your weed is wet - we suggest not doing this. While it might be tempting to ignore the problem and hope that it eventually goes away on its own or resolves itself magically, that's just not going to happen. First off, over time, wet weed will develop mold. Moldy weed is dangerous to your health, so you should do everything to prevent its development. Smoking moldy weed could have you coughing, feeling nauseous, vomiting, or worse. We don't have to go too in-depth on why inhaling fungus is terrible for you, right? Yeah, we didn't think so.
Additionally, wet marijuana is almost impossible to grind; and even if it was before it got wet, it's challenging to burn. That dampness makes every part of smoking and enjoying cannabis more difficult. You can't grind it into a bowl or joint, can't be appropriately decarbed if you're planning to make edibles, and even if you do somehow manage to grind it up and put it in a blunt or joint, it won't light or burn evenly. Simply put, wet weed is impossible for a stoner to enjoy.
Finally, even if you somehow get it to burn, it'll taste awful. Damp, acrid weed with excess water vapor due to moisture is a very unpleasant experience. And we're not talking about the type of unpleasant that's just mildly sour-tasting or rough on the throat. We're talking about "ruin the whole session" type of awful flavors here. Trust us; it's not even worth trying.
Suppose your wet is saturated instead of just a little wet, like if a dime bag goes through the washing machine or falls into a swimming pool, you absolutely can't save that weed. It will be too wet to properly dry out, leading to issues like mold and bad taste like we mentioned above. Still, that cannabis flower is contaminated with substances like washing detergent or chlorine. As we said before, we're sure that we don't have to sit down and go into too much detail about why smoking washing detergent or chlorine is terrible. Just trust us and just don't even try it!
How to Dry Your Wet Weed
So now that we've gone in-depth on the risks of not properly drying out your weed once it gets wet let's get into detail on what to do if your weed gets wet. After all, we're all about practical solutions here at Where's Weed.
With that in mind, there are three main ways to dry out your wet weed. We're going to go over each one in detail here so that the next time you spill that big glass of water near your stash, you're ready and prepared for when emergency strikes!
The Paper Method

If you're wondering how to dry wet weed, there are two primary options: the paper method and the rice method. The paper method is the fastest way to dry weed. Just follow these steps:
- Break up your nugs into smaller pieces
- Tightly wrap your wet marijuana in thick paper towels
- Place your wrapped weed in a dry, dark area
- Turn on a nearby fan or dehumidifier (not necessary, but it helps prevent mold)
- Change the paper every few hours until your weed is dry
One downside to this method is a higher potential for mold. Because it'll be in direct contact with the paper that's absorbing water, there's a chance that moisture will build and mold will grow. Keep an eye out for this if you choose the paper method.
The Rice Method

This method takes a little more time, but mold is much less likely to grow. The rice method works for weed the same way it does for wet electronics. Follow these steps:
- Place your weed in a container of rice (mason jars are ideal)
- Put your uncovered container of rice in a dry, dark area
- Turn on a nearby fan or dehumidifier (not necessary, but it helps prevent mold)
- Leave the marijuana in rice for 24 hours
- If there's any leftover moisture, break up your weed nugs and commence with the paper method
The biggest downside to this method is that your bud will likely be covered in residual rice flower and have a faint rice smell (however, this is what makes it work so effectively).
What Not To Do
Want to dry weed as fast as possible? Please refer to the two methods above. Other ways won't be nearly as effective despite what you might have read elsewhere on the internet. Stuff like blow-drying, putting it in the sun, and especially microwaving weed will lower the quality of your bud and make it much harsher to smoke. Even leaving it out in the open with a fan may result in a lower-quality smoking experience. Also, note that heat, light, and high humidity environments increase the likelihood of growing mold. Instead, take your time, use one of the two methods outlined in detail above, and dry your wet bud in a dark, well-ventilated area.
As we've previously stated, it's unhealthy to inhale mold. Put that high on your list of things to avoid if you enjoy living. We know it's sad, but you're better off throwing away moldy weed than smoking it and getting sick. Plus, moldy weed will taste disgusting. It's a straight-up lose-lose situation when it comes to moldy weed. Before and after you dry it, always check your weed for mold.
Generally speaking, mold will form as a powdery white substance on the surface of your nugs. Dark spots or yellow/gray fuzz may also appear where it shouldn't, along with slime and a sickly smell. If your weed has been wet and shows any of these signs, just toss it out and avoid a future trip to the emergency room.
How To Avoid Getting Your Weed Wet

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You've heard that saying before, right? Well, the same concept applies when it comes to proper cannabis storage. Proper cannabis storage will ensure your weed is less likely to get wet and more likely to stay in quality condition. Safe storage will also stop moisture from causing mold over time. The answer to "does marijuana go bad" is a resounding yes. You can have cannabis that goes bad. Plain and simply put, poor storage can result in lousy weed.
With that in mind, here are some handy tips to ensure your weed stays smokable and accident-proof.
- Use airtight jars to store weed in dry, dark places
- Only take out how much weed you're going to smoke at any given time
- If you have to travel with weed, keep it in a small, air-tight container
- Keep your weed away from pools and never put it in your swimwear pockets
- Be gentle with your weed and treat it like it's worth something (because it is!)
These storage and drying methods are tried-and-true, but we also know the cannabis community is a crafty crew. With the price of good weed at dispensaries these days, there's no sense in just wasting the stuff. Trying everything you can do to save it is always a good idea. As long as you're willing to use one of the two methods we laid out in detail here, you should be able to make the most out of that expensive weed and get the proper bang for your buck! Share your tips and tricks for drying and safely storing weed below. We're always looking for better ways to keep our weed safe and smokable.
These storage and drying methods are tried-and-true, but we also know the cannabis community is a fairly crafty crew. Share your personal tips and tricks for drying and safely storing weed, below. We're always looking for better ways to keep our weed safe and smokable.