Too High? How to Sober Up from Cannabis Overconsumption
Published on 4/25/20
Updated: Jan 31, 2022
Almost every cannabis consumer has experienced being too high at some point in their lives. It's an unfortunate yet necessary aspect of figuring out what products, strains, forms of cannabis you like best, what your proper dosage and tolerance levels are, and what might affect you differently than what's advertised. While weed can be wonderful when consumed in the right dosage, accidentally consuming too much can amplify anxiety, invoke nausea and create a truly uneasy headspace that's not enjoyable for yourself or pretty much anyone around you. Whether you've mistakenly eaten an edible with too much THC, smoked too much weed from a gravity bong or took a few to many hits on the blunt, or if you're just a low-tolerance consumer, don't worry. You are not alone and will be just fine!
Even the most experienced cannabis connoisseurs have terrible realizations of "I'm too high." And while this can be a scary place to be, the good news is just that it's all in your head. In fact, the National Cancer Institute states that, "cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, [so] lethal overdoses from cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur." And it's true, no one has ever died of a fatal overconsumption of cannabis alone.
So what can you do to lessen your high? When trying to come down from weed it's important to remember that time is on your side. For now, sit back and relax with these helpful tips on how to sober up from weed.
Consumption Best Practices: Flower Vs. Edibles

Weed and cannabis-infused products can be consumed in a variety of different ways, so it's important to understand how different methods of consumption influence your high. The process of metabolizing THC varies greatly between ingesting and smoking. When smoking (i.e. combusting) weed, usually in the form of a joint, blunt, bowl, or bong, THC is absorbed by the lungs and carried directly into the brain, resulting in an immediate peak of effects, then a rapid decline over the course of approximately 1-3 hours.
In contrast, when consuming edibles, like a pot brownie, cannabinoid-infused gummy, or a infused beverage, absorption is a relatively slow process. The THC and other cannabinoids is metabolized by the liver and converted into compounds like 11-hydroxy-THC, which is particularly effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. This process takes anywhere between 30 minutes and two hours, which makes dosing quite hard to get right. The standard edible dosage is 10 milligrams of THC, which delivers mild effects over the course of several hours. Just remember, the golden rule of edibles is always to start with a small amount and be patient, otherwise known as the "low and slow" approach. If you don't feel anything after 45 minutes to an hour, try taking another small dose, then rinse and repeat that process until you get the right dose for you!
With that in mind, however, we here at Where's Weed wanted to give you a few pieces of practical advice to follow if you ever do find yourself getting a bit too stoned than you planned to be. Just settle in, follow our advice, and we promise you'll be okay!
Utilizing CBD to Counteract Being Too High

Recent studies have helped the cannabis community better understand how CBD could temper the adverse effects many people experience when consuming large doses of THC. Interestingly enough, CBD is currently being used by many as a treatment for psychosis and could be just what you need to come down from an intense high. Although keeping CBD nearby for inevitable bad highs might work, there is a lot more to learn between the relationship amongst all cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. It's important to note, however, that some studies have shown that THC actually can enhance a higher rather than shorten it. The research on the role CBD can play in bringing you down from a high is still rather inconclusive and mixed, so while we're not saying that CBD either will or won't work a certain way for you, you should probably opt for other methods on this list before busting out the CBD oil to solve your problems.
Fix Yourself a Nice Meal with Water

While we here at Where's Weed would argue that this is generally sound advice for anytime, not just when you're blazed out of your mind, getting yourself something to eat and drink will help you settle down a bit while you're too high. If you fell victim to a particularly strong edible, eating something may be your best friend. Following assimilation via the bloodstream, THC seeks to rapidly bind and penetrate fatty tissue. Consuming food rich in fats will cause cannabinoids to bind and metabolize faster, leaving you with a less intense high - and a happy belly. This is also why it's never a good idea to consume edibles on an empty stomach.
Since we know being high almost always leaves one with the munchies afterwards, treat yourself to a nice meal followed by a glass of water. Bonus if you add black pepper to your meal or a lemon to your water. It's been speculated that the terpenes in both of these ingredients offer a calming aroma that can mitigate the effects.
Take Your Pick: Exercise or a Nap

Sure, physical exercise might seem tortuous right now (or always), but trust us when we say that it is the best way to come down from a weed high. Don't let your brain talk you out of this - hit the gym, yoga mat or go for a run and you will feel better in no time.
Also don't be alarmed by a fast-beating heart, as it's completely normal and a sign that you are getting stronger. Your body will begin to release endorphins that remove feelings of stress, anxiety and pain, while the increased blood circulation will shorten the duration and intensity of your high. Exercise is pretty much univeredsally a good and healthy thing for you to do for yourself regardless of whether you're high or not, but it can have a profound effect on you while you're blazed.
But don't get down on yourself if you can't work out... Taking a nap is another great cure if you're too high. Power naps have proven to be very effective because your body releases hormones that seek to repair and replenish your organs. Plus while you're asleep, you won't have to deal with a bad high! Try to limit your nap to thirty minutes as we wouldn't want you waking up extremely groggy. At the very least it's a good way of settling down and killing some time while you wait for the effects to soothe a bit.
Be Creative & Express Yourself
The truth is that our brains are pretty terrible at multitasking. The brain is a single unit processor, so try allocating your efforts toward activities that require more creativity, talking and writing so your brain can't dwell on the negatives. You, in this moment, are your own harshest critic. Don't worry about what other people think, or even if you are alone. Let those creative high thoughts flow freely outside the grip of paranoia and you'll thank us later. Being able to relax and focus your mind on something besides the fact that you're way too high will go a long way to settling you down and helping you ride out the worst of the experience.

If you haven't experienced this already, paranoia is quite good at latching on and controlling the way you feel and think, but it typically has nothing interesting or even true to say. In fact, paranoia and symptoms of being too high are quite similar in nature. Who's to say that your particular sensation of being too high isn't just paranoia in disguise?
Remember Time is on Your Side
Now that you've truly experienced how high is too high, go ahead and find solace in the fact that all of this will be over in time. Your internal organs will recover just fine with no lasting harm. Do your best to learn your limits with cannabis and remember, you are not alone.
Have you experienced being too high from overconsumption of cannabis? How did you handle the situation. Tell us your own suggestions in the comments below!