How to Get Your Colorado MED Badge
Published on 7/29/22
For many, breaking into the weed industry can seem daunting. It isn't an industry that anyone has grown up with and is one that is constantly changing to remain a player. If you've been looking to break into the wide world of cannabis and live in Colorado, keep reading below for tips and tricks to get your Colorado MED badge.
What Is a MED Badge?
A MED badge is similar to a driver's license - you can't drive a car without it, so don't even think about the industry if you don't have one of these. Think of a MED badge as your ticket into the Colorado cannabis industry - you will need one to legally work in a place where weed is grown, extracted, sold, or present. Want to even work around weed or in the presence of THC? You'll need this badge.
If you've secured yourself a MED badge, it is essentially a fancy way of saying that you have a Marijuana Enforcement Division Badge. Sounds nice, right?
MED Badge for Colorado
Before January of 2020, one could obtain a few different licenses in the Colorado cannabis industry. One could get a Key or a Support License, but that was all too confusing. Luckily, they both fall under the same MED badge umbrella. Those who advocate for cannabis are looking to streamline the entire process end-to-end, making things a bit easier (within reason) for those who want to start a career in the ever-evolving cannabis industry.
Colorado MED Badge Requirements
Before we dive into what the application process is like and a few tips and tricks along the way, one needs to make sure that one can even apply. For starters, you need to live in Colorado's sunny, mountainous state. Make sure you find something that will prove your Colorado residence, like a pay stub, utility bill, or a copy of your apartment lease or house title. One will also need a valid state ID. While those are the two baseline factors for the MED badge application, don't stop reading there.
There are some requirements, so double-check that you meet them before you write that check. Check them out below.
- Be 21 years old.
- No felony convictions within the past three years
- Not a licensed physician making patient recommendations
- No primary caregiver authority revoked by the state
- Are not the spouse or child living in the house with any employee of the MED
- Are not a police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or prosecuting officer.
- Are not an officer or employee of the marijuana state licensing authority or a local licensing authority.
The Colorado MED Badge Application Form

The Colorado MED badge application is long and tedious, like most government documents. That said, make sure to double-check and then triple-check your work. You won't make any silly errors if you are sure to read all the fine print. Any incomplete section in the application will result in your application not proceeding through the process. So, instead of lighting up that joint before you fill out the 14-page application, save it for later.
Ensure your social security number is handy and be prepared to pay the $105 fee. Have you found yourself in past trouble with taxes? Before applying, remedy any delinquencies due to the Department of Revenue, or this will be a Colorado MED badge disqualification.
Next Steps
After you have sat down and reviewed all the qualifications to ensure you can apply, next, review the application with a fine-tuned comb and have completed it in its entirety. Now what?
Schedule an appointment at your local MED office. Offices in Lakewood, Longmont, Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction cover most of the state. Make sure you have your application (if you didn't upload it digitally) and your application fee. You'll have your photo and fingerprints taken, and the state will also conduct a background check. Finally, you'll get your badge in the mail once you pass.
MED Badge FAQs
Do You Have to Be a Colorado Resident?
Yes, you must be a Colorado resident. However, with that said, the ID can still be an out-of-state one as long as it is valid. You will have to show proof of residency.
Should You Already Have a Job in the Industry?
You need a MED badge before an employer even considers you. The MED badge is your first step as you start your journey in this industry.
Can I Have a Misdemeanor on My Record?
As long as you have not served a felony in the last few years, you are good to go. A misdemeanor is okay.
What Jobs Can I Get?
You can obtain jobs across cultivators, distributors, dispensaries, and more with a MED badge. Essentially, any job where you are directly dealing with cannabis is one you can get with this credential.
Do I Need One for CBD?
For THC's non-psychoactive cousin, CBD, you will not need a MED badge if you only work with CBD products.
What About a MED Badge Renewal?
You must get this renewed once a year. You will receive an email notification 90 days before the expiration date.