Marijuana Legalization Alabama 2015: Senate To Consider First Medical Marijuana Bill After Committee Approval
Published on 4/22/15
Alabama has it's first chance at a medical marijuana program with Senate Bill 326. The Medical Marijuana Patient Safe Access Act passed through a senate committee and is on it's way towards the Senate now and would allow medical marijuana to be prescribed for a variety of illnesses, as opposed to many state's strict lists. The Senator sponsering the bill doesn't want to create a "smoke-fest" but is eager to allow patients legal access to safe and natural medicine.
"The more and more states that have passed it, the more people are seeing that the sky doesn't fall to the ground if you pass medical marijuana laws,” Ron Crumpton of the Alabama Safe Access Project told Twenty-three states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes. "It is something that thousands of people in Alabama, if not hundreds of thousands, can benefit from,” said Crumpton.