Detroit just put a limit on the number of pot shops allowed in the city
Published on 8/1/18
The Detroit city council this week unanimously approved an ordinance that sets the maximum number of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city to 75 total. There are currently 62 dispensaries operating in the city under temporary regulations and if they want to stay open they will have to be approved for their state cannabis dispensary license by Sept. 15. After approving Michigan's medical marijuana industry officially in December 2016 the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulations has accepted over 600 applications and now the Medical Marijuana Licensing Board has awarded the state's first 7 licenses with more to come this month. Michigan voters will have their chance to say YES to a recreational marijuana initiative on this November's ballot and it could use some of the medical industry's new regulations to get started.
The ordinance, which passed the council without any debate, also encourages prospective owners of medical marijuana facilities to offer community benefits as part of their application for approval. It also regulates how dispensaries and other related operations would be approved by the city and what size they could be.